Privacy Policy
Danfe Multicuisine Restaurant is committed to protecting any personal information you may provide to us. If we have requested information from you for a specific purpose, such as your name, telephone number, or email address in order to provide you with information about Danfe. No one is allowed to share this information with anyone, and we are all obligated to keep it confidential. We maintain strict safeguards to protect this information, and restrict access to information about you to only those Danfe employees who need to respond to your request.
Our web servers, as many web sites do, also place a “cookie” (a small data file) on your computer’s hard drive which allows the server to recognise the computer when it visits again in order to track information about navigation to and throughout certain areas of our site. Although this cookie is not used to obtain your name or any personal data, if you prefer not to accept cookies, you can set your browser to reject them or to alert you before one is placed.
Please check our privacy policy periodically to remain informed of any changes.